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artist clint bova walking on a path in the woods with his easel over his shoulder
artist clint bova walking on a path in the woods with his easel over his shoulder

About The Artist

Clint Joseph Bova

Clint Bova was born and raised in the Hawaiian Islands. He attended Gonzaga University in Washington State and graduated with a BFA. He continued on with his creative endeavors at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena California where he earned a Degree in Graphic Design. Clint came from a fairly academic upbringing when it comes to drawing, painting, and design. Hawaii was a place where he imersed himself in the ocean landscape and spent most of the time in the ocean surfing, diving, and fishing. Clint gained a deep respect for the environment and also felt he was equally accepted by it. It was the tide pools and reef breaks that gave him a sense of wonder, and an insatiable curiosity about nature and all of its mysteries.

clint bova painting on the shore of a midwestern river in autumn

Artist's Statement

Shadows and scattered light leave no fingerprints but a paintbrush can generate a remarkable feeling and memory.Being raised in Hawaii was actually a blessing in disguise when it comes to the fine arts. There were a lot of artists, especially landscape painters roaming about as well as very accomplished Hawaiian portrait artists. Painting and drawing were introduced to me at a young age by both my Grandfather and Mother who were always very supportive of the creative spirit. After graduating from a 12 year stint at Punahou School I left the islands for a new chapter. My family moved to Borneo and I became immersed in a whole new culture for quite sometime. It was a bittersweet departure from my comfort zone in the islands but it allowed me to further my visual vocabulary and explore new mediums.

My journey to the Midwest happend by chance when I left LA for a job in a leading design firm. I missed the water and quickly found respite in the Mad River. It became known to me later that this was the exact stretch of land that my Grandfather fished as a young boy. Geneology led me to find that my roots in this area can be traced directly back to Issac Zane.  Ironically, I was brought to this area without any previous knowledge of my family history here.

Seeing in a simple and graphic way helps me better communicate my relationship with the subject matter in the moment. I connect with it in a very emotional way until it accepts me as a part of it. Not unlike my childhood bond with my surroundings my painting takes me into a loving, nurturing, and quiet place.About This SiteMy plein air and studio paintings are simply a visual memoir of my daily walks in my favorite surroundings in and around Logan & Champaign Counties.These places are steeped in history and heritage. My paintings provide me portals into a way of seeing that ignites intuition and inspiration. Painting caverns of darkness and glimpses of light brings me closer to my memories as a child in Hawaii and my family history in the Midwest. The mysterious and shadowy tide pools that inspired and invited me into their world as a small child now speak to me while my brush is in my hand.
~Clint Joseph Bova

Clint's work has been selected to be a part of the Oil Painter's of America National Exhibition for 2024.
Sometimes what makes a successful painting is what you don't see.
